TITOLO:Release me
AUTRICE:Iyana Jenna
CASA EDITRICE:Evernight Publishing
PREZZO:€ 2,68 nei migliori store
DATA USCITA:27 Giugno 2013
Gregory Phillip è un detective privato che sta indagando per conto della famiglia Fletcher sull' omicidio del loro figlio maggiore, quando qualcuno tenta di ucciderlo.
Mentre si trova nel suo yacht privato, Nicholas Haynes vede un corpo che galleggia in mare...e fa di tutto per portarlo in salvo.
Nicholas si occupa delle questioni legali della Haynes Banking Corp, appartenete alla sua famiglia. Ha ottenuto quel posto lavorando duramente, non certo perché è un figlio di papà. I rotocalchi parlano spesso di lui e della lunga lista di uomini che entrano nel suo letto.
L'avvocato si ritrova invischiato nelle indagini non solo perché è interessato al bel detective, ma sembrerebbe che la famiglia Moretti, oltre ad essere clienti importanti della Haynes Banking Corp, siano anche sospettati di essere responsabili della morte del figlio dei Flecther.
E' risaputo che il boss Luigi Moretti prima di uccidere le sue vittime ami torturarle e, per Nicholas sapere che la vita di Gregory è in pericolo è quasi insopportabile. Deve fare in modo di metterlo al sicuro al più presto.
Inizialmente il detective sembra non fidarsi del playboy Haynes, ma durante la degenza in ospedale scopre alcuni lati dell'uomo che nei rotocalchi non sono mai stati riportati. Quando gli uomini di Moretti scoprono che Greg è ancora vivo, inizierà una vera e propria caccia all'uomo.
Oltre a cercare di tenere in salvo il ragazzo per il quale inizia a nutrire dei sentimenti, Nicholas avrà
modo di conquistarlo e a Gregory non resterà altro che cadere tra le sue braccia.
Bellissimo romance che consiglio vivamente a chi legge abitualmente in lingua inglese.
Iyana Jenna è una vera scoperta e una persona veramente carinissima... Mi auguro vivamente sia per lei che per noi appassionati di romance M/M che possa giungere prima o poi anche nel nostro Paese.
Romanzo breve 5 stelline!!!!!
Gregory Phillip is a private detective who
is investigating on behalf of the
Fletcher family about the murder
of their eldest son, when someone tries to kill him.
Spending some time in his private yacht, Nicholas Haynes sees a body floating in the sea ... and he does everything possible to bring him to safety.
Nicholas takes care of the legal issues of Haynes Banking Corp, that belong to his family. He got that role working hard and not because he is a daddy's boy. The tabloids often talk about him and the long list of men who come into his bed.
The lawyer finds himself embroiled in the investigation not only because he is interested in the handsome detective, but also because it seems that the Moretti family, as well as being important clients of Haynes Banking Corp, are also suspected of being responsible for the death of Flecthers' son.
It’s well known that the boss Luigi Moretti tortures his victims before killing them and for Nicholas the only thought that Gregory's life is in danger is unbearable.. He need to keep him safe as soon as possible.
Initially, the detective does not seem to trust in the playboy Haynes, but during his hospital stay he discovers some sides of the man that are never been reported in the magazines. When the men of Moretti find that Greg is still alive, it will start a real man hunt.
Nicholas will try to keep safe Gregory, the man he begins to have feeling for. He will be able to conquer him and Gregory will fall into his arms.
Beautiful romance that I highly recommend to those who regularly read in English.
Iyana Jenna is a real surprise ... I sincerely hope both for her and for us that her romances will come sooner in our country.
Spending some time in his private yacht, Nicholas Haynes sees a body floating in the sea ... and he does everything possible to bring him to safety.
Nicholas takes care of the legal issues of Haynes Banking Corp, that belong to his family. He got that role working hard and not because he is a daddy's boy. The tabloids often talk about him and the long list of men who come into his bed.
The lawyer finds himself embroiled in the investigation not only because he is interested in the handsome detective, but also because it seems that the Moretti family, as well as being important clients of Haynes Banking Corp, are also suspected of being responsible for the death of Flecthers' son.
It’s well known that the boss Luigi Moretti tortures his victims before killing them and for Nicholas the only thought that Gregory's life is in danger is unbearable.. He need to keep him safe as soon as possible.
Initially, the detective does not seem to trust in the playboy Haynes, but during his hospital stay he discovers some sides of the man that are never been reported in the magazines. When the men of Moretti find that Greg is still alive, it will start a real man hunt.
Nicholas will try to keep safe Gregory, the man he begins to have feeling for. He will be able to conquer him and Gregory will fall into his arms.
Beautiful romance that I highly recommend to those who regularly read in English.
Iyana Jenna is a real surprise ... I sincerely hope both for her and for us that her romances will come sooner in our country.
I feel very honored. Thank you, Francesca. Thank you, Romy.
RispondiEliminaYou are very sweet ,Iyana =)..
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